Well here we are a few days away from the Summer Solstice and I ask myself what happened to the month of May? Being ill has wrecked havoc with my sense of time and the only good thing about being sick is the timing, since we are all still self distancing and staying home I haven't missed any events. Though sadly my garden has suffered, some of the plants are holding on but all the plans I had for a garden have been put on hold till next Spring,
Memorial day weekend I was once again in the hospital having IV antibiotics and fluids, they were going to send me home but the heart monitor kept going off and my heart rate dropped to 45, 43 than 42 so another 3 days of IV's and my heart rate finally adjusted itself.
My IV |
pain relief and anitbiotic |
the monitor keeps beeping |
I can view the progress of testing done. |
oops heart rate dropped to 45 |
all my meds in the room |
the new IV |
Once home I had a Pippida Scan which resulted in my gallbladder functioning at 1% ugh! 35% or more is normal. That was on the 11th of June and still no idea what is going to be done. Last week I had an EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy which is is a procedure that examines
the esophagus, stomach and first portion of the duodenum (small
intestine) using a long flexible tube with a camera at the end of it.
The scope is inserted into the mouth and advanced to the small
I should have the biopsy results on the 29th hopefully with some answers to what can be done to keep the pain at bay. I am not confident with the office staff of the current doctor because 4 different times they were supposed to call in much needed prescriptions to the pharmacy and didn't, 3 times this caused me great pain and forced me to the ER. Also, 4 times I requested a call back and that never happened. So once I have the results of all the test and what type of treatment he suggest I search for a new doctor because I just don't trust the staff.
On a positive note my pear tree has quite a few pears growing despite it being overshadowed by
a few larger trees I guess it gets just enough sunlight to produce some lovely fruit. I may help that I gave the tree fertilizer last autumn. I lost one of the lavender plants we had very hot days in May and with me in and out of the hospital and little rain the poor thing just dried up. In early June the daily rains began and we had some heavy storms but by then it was too late for the plant, the other is struggling and I think had I been able to plant it in a larger pot or in the ground it may have survived.
My son and his fiance gave me this lovely plant for Mother's Day and my sister sent me flowers after I was released from the hospital since flowers aren't allowed to be delivered during this time of the Corona virus.
The flowers were stunning, there were several day lilies and a new one opened every day, the flowers lasted about 10 days.
Several caterpillars found the milkweed and ate through all the leaves again, I didn't find any cocoons this time and now the plant once again has leaves. Next year I am going to add about 10 of these plants to the garden to host the caterpillars and butterflies.
I didn't do any stitching in May I'm just too tired to concentrate on simple stitches so I filled my days mostly with sleep and some reading.