
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching and a Word of the Year Goddess Doll

Yesterday evening I made a sweet little Goddess doll with my Word of the Year, Tend. I was inspired by the little dolls made by Mirjam Gielen. (Mirjam Textiles). I purchased the Stitch Goddesses  pattern from her Etsy shop to use as the base of my goddess doll. I watched her video tutorial to see how she went about making hers and then proceeding to craft mine my way. Photo shows front and back.

I printed the pattern onto card stock, chose a piece of fabric for the body front and traced around the pattern pretty much how it was done in the video. Then I worked my own magic in the stitching of the goddess. I stitched the body from the backside of the fabric first using the running stitch, flipped it over and proceeded to wrap the running stitch to get a more defined line of stitching. I also chose one of the faces to use included in the pattern. I made a little tag with my word of the year: TEND, stitched it to the body and then put it aside to think about how I would finish her.

Initially I thought of attaching her to a light piece of cardboard to make a card, may be even adding a piece of fabric to the back to complete the card. (I’ll do this for another one)

In the end I made her into a doll after all it was the artist’s own dolls that inspired me to make one, I purchased the pattern to be supportive of other fiber artist and I love making goddess and spirit dolls.

I pulled out a piece of fabric for the dolls back trimmed it to measure the same size square. I stitched with the right sides together just outside my original stitch line for the front. I trimmed off all the excess fabric, turned it out which took a bit of time with such a small piece of fabric, stuffed her with cotton batting and rosemary.

She turned out exactly as I hoped, today I pulled out more fabric bits to make another. I was originally going to make a slow stitch fabric base but I wanted to see how it would turn out. I could have followed the original tutorial but I like to experiment, this time it worked out well. It’s a fairly quick project which I like to do between larger projects I’m working on.

I'm linking my post to Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching check out the link to see what other bloggers are slow stitching here

 Here is the link to the Etsy shop

The second baby blanket is completed for my daughter in laws cousin who recently had twins, a girl and a boy. I posted a photo of the 1st blanket in my post yesterday.

Now to pack them up and ship them off to Switzerland.  But first I need to start the vertical stitching on the winter goddess slow stitch piece.
Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March brings some changes, some stitching and a little bit of shop hopping.


Winds of March, we welcome you. 

There is work for you to do. 

Work and play and blow all day, 

Blow the Winter cold away!

A whole new month and endless possibility awaits us.  I finally had the biopsy done on Wednesday the 26th of February, now I wait for the results.  I can not believe how long this has all taken and still no answers since July. 

The week prior to the biopsy I was supposed to have a consult with a specialist in high risk patients for him to do a D&C to do the biopsy, however, after examining me the doctor said he could do the biopsy in the office and we both wondered aloud why my Gyn didn't just reschedule the biopsy in his office after the PA could not do it. (because the office person told me to take the medication before the procedure, however I took the medication before the ultrasound which the office called to remind me to take the pill that night.)

Well the biopsy is done, results pending and I can honestly say I will be pissed off if I have to go back for a D&C when it could have been done already.  So my thought is if I have cancer catching it early doesn't seem to matter when you have to wait 7 months for a consult.  On a happier note I finished crocheting 1 of the 2 baby blankets I am making for the twins my daughter in law's cousin just had.

This turned out just lovely the yarn and the colors are so soft. Yes that is a pale gray which I never 

imagined I would use if a baby blanket but it just works well for a boy.  The other blanket is for a girl and will include pink.  I am crocheting like a fiend so I can send them off to Switzerland where the mother lives.
I just order the Bunnies fabric panel from Spoonflower, I had the hardest time waiting for the site to open after searching, I had to use a 3rd browser to finally place the order.
The panel was only available in green, I plan to use spring colors to embroider the motifs.
I have 2 new embroidery stick and peel kits from Missouri Star quilts.  The Sweet Meadow was a gift from a friend and I purchased the Ingrid's Wildflowers 2nd edition.

The original Ingrid's Wildflower kit comes in a collectible tin.

I have been tossing around ideas what type of fabric to stitch the wildflowers on.  I keep changing my mind from a vintage tablecloth, little individual blocks for a quilt or slow stitch piece, or on a garment. A dress or jacket.  I will figure it out eventually.
Today is the start of the All Florida Shop Hop, below are the shops I plan to visit first.  

We have finally found a warehouse for our online business and are in the process of moving things from the house to the warehouse.
My son and daughter in law before the first boxes were moved in.  I'm not participating in the move I just took the photo.  Once everything is in place I will continue fulfilling out customers orders at the warehouse. We have been looking for a warehouse for nearly 2 years and finally found this one about 10 minutes from the house.  It will be an adjustment to go out to work everyday and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I do know it will be nice not to have boxes of inventory in my kitchen, living room etc.  Once we are settled into the warehouse, I plan to move into a much smaller home. Something more manageable for me and my cat Simon.  I have looked at a few places in 55+  communities and the search will continue pending my biopsy results and being moved into the warehouse.
In the meantime, I have stitching to do and a few more articles to read in the winter issue of Embroidery
I hope March brings you all good things and the early stirrings of Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and the signs of autumn in the southern hemisphere.