
Monday, August 26, 2024

Health Update

 I walked through these doors this morning to have 2 biopsy procedures, I knew my blood pressure would be elevated but this morning it wasn't too bad, in fact fairly normal for me.

Arriving in this room where the magic happens. The procedures were quick and relatively painless.

While walking back out through those doors about 40 minutes later I realized it's going to seem like eons waiting for the results.

Somehow I knew that all those years suffering/battling with Endometriosis it would one day bite me in the butt again, after 10 years in menopause I was right. Gosh it's sometimes sucks to be right. Other than that Life is Good.

I don't know what it is about the end of August but I always seem to have some kind of medical problem at this time. In August 2022 it was off to the ER because I lost vision in my left eye and before I knew it they had me list as a stroke alert.

In August 2021 I begin my time in cardiac rehab after having 2 more stents put in the heart arteries.

As for 2020 from March through the rest of the year in was in and out of the hospital for abdominal pain which was finally diagnosed in mid 2021. I haven't felt 100% since that dreaded time in 2020 when my health rapidly declined yet each day I work to recover my health. Dealing with the spine and leg issues are coming along without surgery so far, not all days are good and this summer the heat has kept me from my daily walks most days, but on those mornings when the humidity isn't choking me I do walk and I don't feel exhausted when I get back.

Tomorrow I have my cardiologist appointment and I'm hoping all is still going well. I will need to inform him the gyn will be contacting him for clearance for upcoming procedures depending on the biopsy results because I take blood thinners. This shouldn't be a problem I had to stop the blood thinners for a week before I had the spinal injections last autumn.

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