This week I was feeling more myself so I was able to get out and about to run some errands and have a little me time so I moved a few things around the garden adding a few new plants and checking on the plants I already have. The peach colored Hibiscus is a newly added plant I purchased this week, I love the color though I did miss taking a photo yesterday when the flower was fully opened, it was stunning so I'll have to try to get another this week she is full of buds.
The red hibiscus from last year is blooming and the others have buds which should open this week. I do need to transplant all of them into large pots this year. I plan to purchase a few more hibiscus plants this year and at least one in yellow. These flowering plants do so well in my garden so I'd like add more of them.
I purchased a few succulents and later on I will place them in a terracotta dish, I haven't had much luck with succulent plants in the past but I'm going to try again, my garden get so much sun I'd like to add a few cactus plants too.
As you can see the rhododendron continues to bring forth flowers each day though her time is rapidly coming to an end for this year, I want to add a few azaleas to the garden as well in a variety of colors.
I purchased a patio tomato plant with a built in tomato cage for several reasons, the first to save time it has two small fruits in the center of the plant, the other reason is I am experimenting with the sun light hours and shade in the front of my house where I am hoping the plants will do better then they have in passed year when in the backyard where the sun beats down most of the day and the third reason is I am clearing, cleaning and redesigning the back yard garden area so its convenient to have the plants all in the front for watering.
I'm supposed to take a wire wrap class later today it's a 90 minute drive to shop where it's being held so I spent the early morning hours puttering in the garden, tomorrow I'll take in the last day of the
Spring plant festival where I hope to find a few new things for my garden, but not too many because I'm just not sure what I want to do. Though I will be on the hunt for some bamboo plants to add to my garden area along the fence, last year I bought 3 new bamboo plants and they are doing quite well so a few more would be ideal.
It's been another crazy week here at casa Deborah, the days are moving
so fast time just gets away from me on
the up side of things I did have time to write some letters, read a
few magazines that had been piling up on the table where I put all
my to be read items, for once I was in the current
month so I suppose having the flu last month had its perks.
Speaking of time I have to post this as a reminder for myself so on Sunday morning when I realize I once gain forgot to set the clocks before I go to bed I can laugh at myself.
I have a post it note attached to the monitor, on the fridge and on the bathroom mirror but still I tend to forget.
Here is a photo of some hibiscus plants with buds I need to shop for larger pots this week so I can get them transplanted.
more Hibiscus buds |
These are a few more plants including another hibiscus in the blue pot full of buds which should begin to open this week.
and still more buds waiting |
So general clean up in the garden will continue on this week and according to weather reports its supposed to be much cooler the the mid to upper 80's we've had here all this week.
This Late Bloomer gardening book has some great tips and ideas I plan to use this year and the latest issue of Florida Gardening has some articles I swear had me in mind when they wrote them.
When I finally realized gardening in Florida was a little different from other locations I knew I NEEDED some kind of guidance and this magazine helps with some of the challenges we face.