
Sunday, April 10, 2022

April Showers Bring All Kinds of Things

 The month of April is moving along quite nicely, with bouts of heavy rain and wind, hot humid weather and chilled nights into the 40's. I'd say a typical Spring in north central Florida.

On Monday the 4th of April I had surgery to remove uterine fibroids. I was at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning and home by 2 in the afternoon, all went well in the surgery and as usual by day 4 at home I was hit with the overwhelming need to sleep, which I did till Saturday evening when I finally started feeling better again.  Thursday was horrible weather wise, the air was so humid I think you could have moved it with your hands, I had to use my inhaler to get in some air which in turn loosens up the lungs and has me coughing for days. This always happens after I have general anesthesia, I think my lungs finally start working right again and it taxes my body and all I want to do is sleep. In the meantime we were hit with torrents of rain through most of the morning, it was a fast moving storm and by afternoon the sun was out, the air much drier and comfortable, by Friday morning it was quite cool.

My progress on my hand embroidery pieces is coming along at a slow pace, lost the entire week to sleep so I didn't dare pick up a needle.

Moon Flow by Cozy Blue above I actually worked on Wednesday afternoon while I was feeling alert I am ready to start the moons, which would have been started the next day but didn't happen by then I was just weak and sleepy.

The progress on the new Greenman is coming along at a slow and steady pace which is fine with me.

I am in no hurry to get this completed though missing just about an entire week of stitching does begin to get annoying but recovery comes first and stitching while foggy headed isn't an option.  I feel tired but clear headed today so I should be able to get some stitching done today, in fact I plan to take my work out to my patio table and soak in some sunshine, fresh air and do some slow Sunday stitching. Which is where I am posting my link today over at Kathy's Quilts

Between stitching I have a few Spring issues of magazines that I want to read later today.

I wish all of you a wonderful day whatever you choose to do.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad time of it following your Surgery but at least it's over and done with, your embroidery is lovely and there's no hurry to get it done getting back your strength and recovering is more important. Take care of yourself.

  2. Wonderful stitching projects to help restore health.
    And isn't is magical how sleeping heals the body?!?
    Take good care of yourself!

  3. Beautiful stitching. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. I'm glad the surgery went well, taking time to recover is part of it too.
    The Green Man looks fantastic already.

  5. Enjoy your day soaking up the sunshine and reading some magazines. It sounds as if you are healing with each new day. How fabulous all those lovely embroidery stitches on Green Man look. So, so much lovely detail.

  6. That sounds like a major op to me. Do rest up and take care of yourself, or even better, perhaps have someone pamper you while you recuperate. Nice slow hand embroidery will be just the thing t do while you sit with your feet up, cuppa and biscuit to hand!

  7. I am glad the surgery went well. I had the same surgery 27 years ago. Recovery is first and foremost, but I am sure you will feel better than before in no time. I look forward to seeing your future progress on both of these pieces. Take care.
